We as a people value consistency. I honestly believe it’s why we’re so drawn to Jesus. At least that’s why I’m drawn to Him. He is a God that never leaves us or forsakes us. He’s faithful in the little and big. He’s available at all times, and consistently present.
But I find this so interesting because often times we find ourselves being everything but that. Whether that’s starting a new business, praying for our friend’s salvation, spending time in the Word, pursuing a dream – these things require consistency. There is no growth or change without it. And I would bet that 9 times out of 10, we know that! Yet we all still have a difficult time applying this principle in our lives.
Take me, for example. There have been MANY times when I didn’t want to blog anymore or post on Instagram. But throughout the course of my blogging journey, I’ve seen bloggers come and go. It’s as if we started this race together, and some dropped out. The truth is, many of us know that consistency is important, but do we really know why?

Why is consistency important?
When you give up too quickly, you miss your opportunity to see your goal come to fruition. This reminds me of Galatians 6:9 where it says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
As an illustration, think about seeds. A farmer may be growing a large crop of tomatoes, so he plants tomato seeds on his farm. During the time that the seeds are taking root and beginning to grow, the farmer is still maintaining his crop. He is still watering and fertilizing while the sun aka the SON makes it grow. Although the farmer knows he won’t see his fruit until harvest time, he must put in the work AND remain consistent in order to reap what he sewed.
Your life works in the same way. There will be times when you get a really great idea, you’re ready to go, and you plant your seed. You start the process, but you get weary in your well doing. Although you may want to stop, you cannot do this! The Bible does not say that it’s possible, but that you WILL reap your harvest if you do not give up. So the question becomes what harvest did you or are you missing because of your failure to keep going?
[bctt tweet=”What harvest are you missing because of your failure to keep going?” username=”heyhanha”]
And if you did miss it, why was it so difficult?
Why is consistency difficult?
1.You’re impatient.
I was listening to this podcast and I loved the way the preacher described the beauty of small beginnings. He said that we must learn to honor the small beginnings because if small wasn’t important, God would take us straight to big. This is such a huge life principle because if you think of anything you do in life or person you connect with, there is some form of consistency that has nurtured that goal or relationship.
To explain, think about anyone who has mastered anything. A concert pianist. A world-renown chef. A best-selling author. In order to cultivate their craft or talent, they had to practice it over and over again. The pianist had to keep playing. The chef had to keep cooking, and the author had to keep writing.
In your own life, you’re not going to see results right off the bat – at least not with something that takes time to grow. You know how the saying goes, great things do truly take time, but this leads me to my second point.
Related: Why God Makes You Wait
2. You’re led by your feelings.
You must learn how to discipline your emotions because nothing in life is really achieved that way. Emotions motivate, but consistency achieves.
[bctt tweet=” Emotions motivate, but consistency achieves.” username=”heyhanha”]
The first time you get disappointed or feel unmotivated isn’t a sign that you should give up. In fact, it’s a clear sign that you should keep going and there are many scriptures in the Bible that talk about perseverance. Try these:
And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. -Philippians 1:6
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. – Hebrews 10:36
Now that you are aware of the traps that can cause you to be inconsistent, let’s discuss the areas in your life where you can apply this concept.
Where should you be consistent?
1. Prayer
This is SO important. Being consistent in your prayer life helps you to connect and build your relationship with God. It allows you to deepen your intimacy with Him so that you can intercede on behalf of other people and be a better witness to those who are in need of Christ’s love. Don’t give up.
2. Relationships
I still remember times when I have looked back at some of my relationships, and I often find myself close to tears because I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy my friendships or relationships had I given up on them. Even Jesus was consistent with 12 people in His life. I’m sure he would have rather dropped Peter on several occasions, but He continued to pursue them.
We must live in the same way. Find the people in your life where you want to nurture and cultivate a relationship. Is it the friend who annoys you sometimes, but brings you joy? The friend who is so far from God, and you have no idea if he or she will ever find him? The mentor who keeps rescheduling the times you both are supposed to spend together? Don’t give up.
Related: How to Give when You’re Tired of Giving
3. Purpose
Whether that’s starting a business, being the best mom to your child, or following your calling, you must remain consistent in it. The best part is that you can rely on Galatians 6:9. The Bible doesn’t say that it’s possible or that you can, it says that you WILL reap your harvest if you don’t give up. So don’t give up.
Think about how you plan to be consistent this week. And once you’ve figured it out, decide to keep going even when you are being impatient or don’t feel like it. Let me know in the comments where you plan to be more consistent! And be sure to grab the reflection questions that go along with this post below.
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