God wants to know you. Intimately. The God of the Universe created you, chose you, loves you, desires you and sent a Son to die for you so that you would never be separated from Him. When we think about any intimate relationship we have whether that’s with a parent, friend, or significant other, what makes […]
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Let’s be honest. When it comes to the process of starting something new, it’s easy to get discouraged or intimidated especially when the process doesn’t look like what we expected. So how do we overcome the fear of getting started? Or the discomfort that the process brings? Let’s talk about the beauty of humble beginnings. […]
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Dear Single Woman, Now you are probably wondering, “Keith, you are engaged! What do you know about waiting to find someone?” That is a great question and if I’m being honest, I’m not going to act like I know how that feels, but I do know what it’s like to wait for something. I understand […]
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