Do you ever feel like you have a million ideas swarming around in your head, and you have no idea which one you’re supposed to do first? Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. And that’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to Aerial, a multipassionate entrepreneur who builds platforms to encourage women and people from all walks of life! Check out her story below and be inspired and encouraged that it’s definitely possible to have multiple passions.

1. Can you tell my readers a little bit about yourself?
My Name is Aerial Austin. I am 24 years old and a current resident of Charlotte, North Carolina. I have a passion for sharing my life experiences and the things I enjoy/love, in hopes of relating and connecting with millennials and women of all ages on many different levels! I LOVE inspiring people on their journey through life while I am still figuring out many parts of mine! God had definitely given me multiple passions!
2. I see that you’re the creator of a clothing line called Resilient. Tell me about that and how that came to be. Did something specific happen in your life that prompted you in creating this brand?
I learned at an early age the importance of being “Resilient.” Throughout my life, I have experienced many difficult situations, from losing my mom at an early age, and just experiencing a lot of situations growing up that most people wouldn’t experience or have to deal with until they are adults. My Nana (grandmother) and I were really close. She was my best friend and helped me through a lot of difficult times growing up. She actually passed away the summer before I graduated college. I remember one night, I was just sitting in my room thinking and reflecting on my life, and resilient literally popped in my head!
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would turn this into a brand, but when God gives you purpose you walk in it! After difficult situations, I have always been able to recoil and spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed by life situations. I have been able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions, and I have always been able to return to my original state because no matter how difficult life may get, I strongly believe, “God never puts more on us than we can bear.”
[bctt tweet=”When God gives you purpose, you walk in it!” username=”heyhanha”]
I created this apparel line as a reminder to people who purchase these items that they are resilient. We as humans go through a lot in life. With all that life throws at us, it’s okay to cry, get angry, and fall down; but, then you have to wipe those tears, release that anger, get back up, recoil, and BOUNCE BACK! You can bend, but NEVER, EVER break! This is a BRAND and a MOVEMENT to simply remind people that they are RESILIENT and what they have been through has not left them broken, but has made them stronger!
3. I also see that you are the creator of Aeris Corner. Can you describe that and explain why you decided to start that?
Aeri’s Corner is a network I created in 2014 with the purpose of connecting and encouraging women from all walks of life! I wanted to create something to encourage, inspire, and uplift women of all ages. I have several different platforms where women can connect. I have a YouTube Channel where I make vlogs that relate to lifestyle, travel, and creative tips and vlogs that reflect the community outreach I have done through Aeri’s Corner. I have the “Reading Between The Wines” book club that is based out of Charlotte where a group of women meet once a month and just have girl time while discussing our monthly read.
I also have two major projects I host each year through the community outreach platform called “The Priceless Prom Giveaway” where we sponsor a senior girl for prom, and then the “#OperationSandwhichGreensboro” where we provide sandwiches for the homeless in Greensboro, NC – the top place for homelessness in North Carolina. My major goal for Aeri’s Corner is to create a platform that every woman can connect to in some way!
4. You seem to create such empowering and uplifting content. Why are you so passionate about this?
I am a strong believer that God has a purpose for everyone’s life! Although that’s for each individual to find out, if I can motivate, inspire, or be that positive push along the way, why not? I love brightening up people’s day and motivating them to find their passion in life! It’s rewarding when people tell me I motivate or inspire them. It literally costs nothing to be that force of positivity to others. I love it!
5. How do you balance managing multiple passions? Or how do you know where to direct your attention or what to do first? Are there challenges that come with it?
I’m still getting that hang of this! It can be very difficult at times and there are a lot of times when I feel like I am all over the place, but time management is KEY! I’ve learned that making schedules, writing down goals, and writing to-do lists go a long way. You really have to be organized when balancing multiple passions and also learning not to get discouraged when things don’t go as planned or when you hit a couple roadblocks along the way. There are definitely challenges when you have many things going on at once, but focusing on the end goal and the impact I am making goes a long way.
6. What advice do you have for women who may have multiple passions or ideas?
GO FOR IT! Pray about it, come up with a plan, and execute it! Have faith and be fearless when it comes to your dreams. Get used to being uncomfortable. You never know where your passions or ideas will take you!
7. How can my readers stay connected with you?
Instagram: @aeriscorner | @resilient._
Websites: |
Wasn’t that so inspiring? It is definitely possible to balance multiple businesses and passions! God is so intentional with your life and He knows exactly what He’s doing. Just be obedient to what He’s telling you to do, and you will be surprised at how He works everything out for your good! Tell me in the comments what some of your passions are!
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