I will reach the goals God has placed on my heart.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Everything I do is for the glorification of Christ and His kingdom.
I am deeply loved by my Heavenly Father.
Who will be ever ready to show me grace and mercy, give me wisdom, and take care of me.
Her Story
I’m a perfectionist. I’m my own worst critique. I can tear myself down faster than anyone else. And sometimes its by my own self that I get discouraged. I let the enemy come in and steal my joy and motivation because I feel that maybe I can’t. Maybe I shouldn’t. Why even try. I’m unworthy.
But I’m reminded, that this world is not my home. Everything I do is not for my approval, not for the approval of man, but for the God I serve. That I’m serving here on earth, to store up treasures in heaven. To glorify my God who loves me regardless of my mistakes. Regardless of how many times I make them. Who gives and will give me all that I need to accomplish what He has set for me to do. That is there for me no matter what. That has a plan for me. That takes care of me. Because I am his daughter, and He’s my Father.
(Learn more about Michaela here).

Her Advice
Don’t be discouraged by the things of this world or the people of this world. Remember that this world is not your home either. Do what God has called you to do. Continue loving, continue serving, continue chasing what God has laid out before you. There’s a blessing just around the corner for you.
Her Prayer
Thank you so much for the great love you have for us. For the grace and mercy you are ever faithful in giving. I pray that you would keep each and every one of these hearts encouraged. Help them to remember that their work for the Kingdom is not overlooked or pointless. To not give up when they are discouraged but to push through to receive the blessing you have set in place for them. Help them to be gentle with themselves. Forgive themselves and realize they while they are not flawless, they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, you have a divine plan for each and every one of their lives. Thank you for the crazy way that you care for us, take care of us, and bless us.
In your name,
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