I truly believe that it is important to fill ourselves with encouraging and uplifting messages. We each have lessons and reflections that we can share, but many other people have been called to do the same. Being apart of a community involves listening to one another and helping each other grow. I’ve pulled together some of my favorite messages in the past couple of months that I think you’ll love. Each message has helped me think deeper, encouraged me in some way, and has challenged my faith. Continue reading to find 7 Uplifting Messages that will Encourage You.

For Leadership Development
- Elevation Essentials.
These short videos really dive into leadership and the vision Pastor Steven Furtick had when he first started Elevation Church. They may provide examples within the context of ministry, but the wisdom he shares can be applied to any area of your life. - Pursuit with Purpose: Authentic Story-Telling.
Although this podcast is not biblical, plenty of life wisdom can be found. Melyssa Griffin is the host of this podcast, and her guest, Sterling Griffin, shares how he started making a 7-figure business through story-telling. I was amazed by his commitment to understand his value and connect with people who are like-minded. If you own a business, this one is for you!
For Faith
- The Bar Podcast: How to Find your Lazarus.
If you’re looking for something to challenge your faith and cause you to pray harder and greater, then look no further. I had several mouth-dropping moments, and it left me in awe to hear the extent of God’s faithfulness. We live in such a broken generation, and this podcast helped me push through some difficult times in my life. A quote that stood out for me was, “God risks the chance of losing us every time He answers our prayers.”[bctt tweet=”God risks the chance of losing us every time He answers our prayers.” via=”no”] - VOX Podcast with Mike Erre: Episode 62.
This podcast discusses the four levels of spiritual maturity, and it really stimulated my thinking. If you’re looking to be wowed, or are wondering where you fall in your spiritual maturity, then I encourage you to take a listen to this message. - When You Decide by Pastor Micahn Carter.
Hands-down, one of the most powerful sermons I’ve heard in a long time. Pastor Micahn describes why we struggle with comparison or jealousy, and then he provides a simple way to combat it. It’s the most recent sermon I’ve heard out of this whole list, so I’m still riding the spiritual high. I definitely recommend it!
For Marriage and Relationships
- Dr. Myles Munroe: “Principles for Male & Female Relationships.”
In this video, Dr. Munroe describes some core requirements that godly men and women should possess prior to entering marriage. He also breaks down his theory of how we live as spiritual beings. This video completely changed my view on relationships, and it was crazy insightful. Warning! This sermon is a bit long (I feel bad for the people he made stand the whole time), but it is filled with depth and wisdom. You won’t be sorry. - Madhouse Series by Pastor Brian at Nikao Church.
This sermon series discusses boundaries within your family and relationships. Pastor Brian does an amazing job breaking down the problems that may occur in our relationships, and he teaches how to resolve the conflicts. This series was so enriching and it challenged the way I see myself. I would be surprised if it didn’t do the same for you.
Well there you have it. I hope these messages encouraged you as much as they encouraged me. Comment below with your favorite one!
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