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3 Ways to Live a More Adventurous Life + Free Worksheet

Everyone loves the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” but it’s a completely different experience to live it rather than to know it. For me, I had to learn how to entertain myself and make my own fun, and you can read all about it in a guest post I was honored to write […]

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I'm Hanha!
An author, speaker, bible teacher, and encourager absolutely crazy about Jesus and dedicated to helping you conquer fear and self-doubt so that you can confidently believe who God has called you to be.

Today I am sharing another testimony of a beautiful woman who is willing to be open and transparent about her walk with Christ. I must say that you will be absolutely floored by her story. She thinks it’s too long, but when I read it, I flew through the words. I am so inspired and encouraged […]

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There’s no easy answer to learning how to be still and live in rest. From spending time with the Lord to trying to figure out the next career move or planning time with family and friends, life can be overwhelming sometimes. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, it can feel empty when you’re struggling […]

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If there’s anything I’ve learned about prayer, I’ve learned that I have to be careful what I ask for because God just might end up answering it. And more times than not, He answers prayers in a completely different way than we expect. Today, I am so excited to have Krista stop by and share […]

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GOOD MORNING! It’s time to wake up! I remember when I was in high school and my dad would come into my room to wake me up in the morning. (Yes, I was and still am spoiled for having my parents wake me up in the morning. I’m aware of this.) Anyways, every time he […]

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Have you ever called up a friend only to vent? And when I say vent, I mean you don’t even give the other person room to say anything. You just take up the ENTIRE conversation, and just ramble and talk about what’s been bothering you. All walls are down, and you just lay yourself bare and […]

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Y’all. Wow. Why is God so good? This relationship that I have with Him just gets deeper and deeper every day and it constantly blows my mind how personal and intimate He is. Yes, He’s kind and patient and loving, but something that I’ve been learning is that He is also firm when He needs […]

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Let me be the first to say that I am not a huge fan of disappointment or rejection. I mean let’s be honest. Who is? It can be the most frustrating feeling in the world, especially when it involves other believers. And the hardest part is accepting that rejection or disappointment for what it is […]

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I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I can’t help but burst into tears and worship at the feet of Jesus. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming. His presence is thick and all I want to do is sit there and bask in His glory. I just want to soak it all up. I don’t […]

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The more and more I walk with the Lord, the more I learn about Him and the more I learn about myself. Sometimes I feel like my life is a movie, and God is obviously the writer. I’m currently living out the movie where He is the teacher and I’m the student, kind of like the karate kid. […]

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