Y’all. Wow. Why is God so good? This relationship that I have with Him just gets deeper and deeper every day and it constantly blows my mind how personal and intimate He is. Yes, He’s kind and patient and loving, but something that I’ve been learning is that He is also firm when He needs to be firm.
I just recently ended a very committed relationship, and I have been walking in singleness going on 6 months now. I am in no way looking for a relationship, but something the Lord has also been teaching me is what singleness looks like. He’s been teaching me how to talk to men, what to say and what not to say to men, how to set boundaries with other men and I have to say it’s been one of the coolest experiences.
But this 6 month journey has not gone without it’s mess-ups. I met one man and once getting to know him better, I knew without a doubt that He wasn’t God’s best for me. I knew that he wouldn’t be my husband, and that was very clear from the beginning. Every time I prayed about it, God repeatedly revealed to me that I should not continue any type of relationship with this man beyond a friendship.
But guess what? I didn’t listen. I absolutely rebelled and completely disobeyed. I was completely aware of my decision to reject God’s will and choose what made me feel good. I kept seeing and talking to this man, and it wasn’t until I started experiencing confusion, doubt, anxiousness, and other insecurities that I finally had to come to a decision. Was attention from this man worth more than the negative emotions I was feeling? I ended whatever it was that I had with him, if that gives you an answer to my question.
Fast forward maybe a month or so and I am at an event hosted by my church. I was talking to a newly-made friend, and she was explaining to me her concerns and problems about a potential relationship. As she was explaining her story to me, I felt the Holy Spirit tugging on my heart. He whispered, “This is exactly what you would have been going through had you continued what you were doing. This is why it’s important to be obedient when I speak.”
When my friend started asking for advice, the only thing I could think of was what God says in His Word. And that’s when it hit me that obedience is truly a form of protection. God seriously blesses exceedingly abundantly, and when He puts things into perspective, you see how obedience truly is a blessing.
Psalm 19 describes it perfectly.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
11 By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
When God gives a command, we are supposed to listen. Honestly, we should listen simply because He is God and He’s in charge. When someone is in charge, you listen. You don’t question it. You don’t rebel. You do what you’re told. He is the Creator and we are the creatures. We’re supposed to listen.
But if you’re like me and need a reason for everything, you can look at it this way. When we obey God, we are choosing protection. The devil is out here trying to kill and destroy us. He does not care what it takes. He wants our souls and he wants us to fail. He wants us to choose the desires of our flesh, and because we are sinful creatures, we cannot underestimate how easy it is for us to mess up.
I say that because when we choose God over our flesh, when we choose to obey Him, He will protect us in situations that are filled with traps intended to make us fail. That is one of the great rewards mentioned in verse 11. No matter what may surface, when we’re walking in God’s will, there’s no possible way for any weapon formed against us to prosper. It’s like a valuable trade. We give Him obedience, we trust that He knows best, and in return He protects us. Not to mention, He gives us peace instead of the negative emotions I felt when I was walking in disobedience.
But let’s take it back to Psalm 19. I love David’s prayer. In verses 12 and 13, he asks God to forgive him of his hidden faults as well as his willful sins. Let’s say that same prayer today. So thankful we worship a God who protects us when we obey, but still loves us even when we disobey. Happy Monday, friends!
Linked with Women with Intention.
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