God intercedes for me!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13
I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me! Romans 8:31-39
Greater is He who is in me, than he who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4
I am the head and not the tail! I am above and not beneath! Deuteronomy 28:13
His grace is all that I need, His power works best in weakness! 2 Corinthians 12:9
His plans for me aren’t to destroy me, but to give me a hope and future. Jeremiah 29: 11
Her Story
Classes started back for me about a month ago and it has been extremely challenging. I’m in my last year of college and I have never had a workload as intense as I do now. I had to juggle working 20 hours a week at my part-time job, work on a scholarship, blog, and manage my full-time hectic school schedule.
The first week of school wasn’t even over before the feelings of overwhelming sadness and anxiety started to consume me. Being completely honest, I felt hopeless and defeated. I didn’t understand how I was supposed to do everything at once. Then things started to go wrong and I had no control.
Every night I was in my room crying and writing. I was pleading for God to lighten the load I was feeling. I just didn’t understand why I felt so overwhelmed and why things were going wrong. I must be completely honest and say I didn’t trust that God was with me. I was feeling unsure of myself and completely forgotten about by God. I felt like He just left me in the wilderness to fend for myself.
It is honestly wild to think that all the things I’ve said to others to encourage them out of negative thinking, I was now having to say to myself. I have never been a negative person or one to sulk in my sadness for long. I used to not understand how someone could be so consumed with negative thoughts that they couldn’t escape it with God’s word, but that was where I was. I knew what God’s Word said, but I just didn’t believe it for my situation.
I quickly realized that through all of my complaining and stressing, I had created a resting place in my mind for the devil to plant negative seeds. I was so consumed with those negative thoughts/ feelings that there was no room for me to take in what God was saying.
(Learn more about Amaiya here.)

Her Advice
- When things start to get overwhelming, just relax. Instead of focusing on all the things that you have to get done, try to focus on one thing at a time in the order that it is due.
- Whenever those negative thoughts come into your mind, ask yourself, “Would God ever say these things about me?” The answer is NO. It is nobody but the enemy trying to tear you down and make you feel unable to do the work of God.
- Stop listening to your “feelings”! The enemy loves to deceive us by making us feel like God has abandoned us. Don’t believe things that contradict God’s word. Fight back those negative feelings with His word!
- Trust that things will work out, as they always do! And remember, If you’re going through a difficult time right now, be glad and know that a reward from God awaits you. James 1:2-5
We got this!
Her Prayer
Heavenly Father, I pray that you give the ladies who are feeling overwhelmed peace right now over their situation. Help them to push past their feelings and seek you for peace. I pray that they know your love is unwavering and that you would never leave your daughters in the wilderness.
I rebuke the enemy right now from planting lies of abandonment. Help them to look ahead and know that you have great plans for them, to give them a hope and a future. Help them to have joy because their endurance is being fully developed. In Jesus name, AMEN.
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