I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I can’t help but burst into tears and worship at the feet of Jesus. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming. His presence is thick and all I want to do is sit there and bask in His glory. I just want to soak it all up. I don’t even want to say anything because there are no words good enough to describe Him. But during one of my quiet times, I felt led to be a little transparent about my personal relationship with Christ. I hope you enjoy reading these 3 reasons why it’s easy to fall in love with God!
1. He’s always available.
He’s available in every sense of the word – emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Today, I was having a really hard time convincing myself to spend time with the Lord. A part of me knew that I should do it because I’m supposed to, another part of me wanted to do it because I love spending time with Him, and then another part of me just didn’t want to do it at all.
I waited until the last minute to have my quiet time, and I even found myself trying to do everything else instead of my quiet time. But when I finally began, it blew my mind that God was available for me even though I didn’t want to be available for Him. It didn’t matter that it was at 11 o’clock at night, God still wanted to hear my prayers. He still wanted cast the burdens from that day on Him, and He wanted to forgive me of my sins as I repented.
That’s the beauty of Jesus. He cares so deeply for us that He will always be available. I know I’ve had times when I’ve needed someone to talk to and it just so happen that NO ONE would answer the phone except for the Lord. Or when we’re feeling super lonely or misunderstood, God is always available to talk and never fails to understand us. Just like Jeremiah 33:3 says,
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
God wants us to call on Him and He will answer us. I absolutely love that.
2. He knows you by name.
I know that seems so simple, but at the same time it is so powerful. When we take the time to think about who God is, this Man created the entire universe. EVERYTHING. The birds, the trees, the water, and the millions of people that are currently living on the planet not to mention the people who used to live on this planet. That is A LOT of people, and the fact that He knows you personally is mind-blowing. I love the way the scripture puts it:
You did not choose me [God], but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16
Like what?! God chooses us. He wants us – every part of us. And not only does he want us, but He knows us. Intimately. Deeply. By name. I love the way Louie Giglio describes it in his book, I am Not but I Know I Am, “God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows just how small and frail you are. He knows you’re just one person, a tiny one at that. He knows your limitations, and He made you that way for a purpose. That’s why God never asks you to be more than you are – and why He always stands ready to be your constant supply. God knows that you are weak, and He is in touch with just how potent He, Himself, is.”
3. He’s just simply amazing.
If none of those reasons can convince you to pursue a relationship with Christ, then I hope my own personal testimony will reveal to you how much the King means to me. If that isn’t enough, then I hope these few words will help you better understand how wonderful God is. Like the Word says,
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – Ephesians 3:17b-19a
That couldn’t be any more true. When you just take time to get to know Him, you can’t help but scream how worthy He is. It’s not even about what He’s done or what He’s capable of doing. I just want to go crazy because He is who He is. He’s so much better than good. He is perfect. He is holy. He is majestic. He is creative. He is beautiful, and He is sovereign. He cares for you when no one else does, and the best part is that He’s faithful.
He isn’t going anywhere. As a matter of fact, He specifically gave us Jesus so that we could spend eternity with Him. You won’t be able to find a better best friend. And the grace and love that you experience on a daily basis is more than we deserve for a lifetime.
If you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, but would like to learn more, feel free to contact me! Or if you’d like for me to pray for you as you continue your walk with the Lord, then I’d love to pray for you. Or if you’d like both, there’s always that too. I’ve just found that this Man is just too good not to share. I want everyone to experience what I experience and know God like I know Him. He changed my entire life. He’s made me better and made me feel whole again. Everyone deserves to feel that.
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