
The Beauty of Humble Beginnings

Let’s be honest. When it comes to the process of starting something new, it’s easy to get discouraged or intimidated especially when the process doesn’t look like what we expected. So how do we overcome the fear of getting started? Or the discomfort that the process brings? Let’s talk about the beauty of humble beginnings.

Do not Despise Small Beginnings 

At one point in your life, you’ve probably heard the verse, Zechariah 4:10a that says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,”  

If you’re like me, you’ve always heard the beginning of that verse, but somehow the ending always got left off. But in reading it, it’s a pretty important detail. Whenever God calls us to do something, He rejoices to see us get started. Even when it’s hard. Even when we feel overwhelmed or confused. Even when we don’t have the full picture. Even when the initial results aren’t yielding what we thought. He rejoices to see the work begin.


God loves it when we partner with Him to advance His Kingdom and bring heaven to earth. He delights in seeing His children fulfill the purposes that He has for them.

Truthfully, sometimes, the worst part about the beginning is literally the starting. It feels like it takes this massive overhaul of energy just to get going. You’re battling the inner critic. You have 1,001 questions. You feel like there’s so much you don’t know.

But something I’ve learned is that beginnings are always hard. The trick is to keep going. There’s a quote from a book I read that really speaks to this. It said, “Many men have robbed themselves of their destiny because they have allowed discouragement to rob them of their dreams.”

If you haven’t started what God has told you to do yet, can I offer you some encouragement? Just start. You’ll never feel good enough. smart enough. ready enough. You just have to make a decision to choose obedience over your feelings and consistency over results.

The plans God has for us is to prosper us, give us hope, and a future (Jeremiah 29:11), but the reason why beginnings can be so difficult is because there’s a process in getting there that requires our patience and development. So here are a couple of tips that can help you along the way as you begin whatever it is God is calling you to do.

1. Start Small

Everyone including you and me has to start somewhere. Don’t let your chapter 20 intimidate you from starting your chapter 1. Sometimes we allow the big dream to paralyze us from starting, but more times than not, God has probably revealed one specific step that we can take.

For example, one of my dreams in life is to be a best-selling author and write full-time. When I think about that dream with the limited resources I have, it sounds nearly impossible. But if I focus on being obedient to the small step God has given me which is to simply write every day and post a weekly blog post, I can trust that He will reveal the next step (Psalm 37:23).

The same goes for you. What’s one small step that you can take towards the vision and dreams God has given you?

2. Process the Journey with God

In the moments when we do find ourselves discouraged, we have to be honest with ourselves and with God about how we feel. What I love about God is He understands how we feel, but He also uses these situations to mature and develop our character. Our culture has a tendency to make us believe that we can rush process. We want everything to happen instantly all at once when God wants us to walk with Him step by step. Relationship > Achievement.

3. Celebrate Small Wins 

For every step that you take towards purpose, make sure you celebrate the small wins! Nothing is more satisfying than checking a goal or an accomplishment off of your to-do list. But these smaller wins will also give you the motivation to keep going. They will serve as a sign of encouragement that God will finish what He has started and that His best is still yet to come.  

4. Know You Have Everything You Need 

I want to take a moment to speak to the person that feels too paralyzed or scared to get started because they don’t think they have what they need. The Bible says that we have everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). That means that in this moment right now, you have everything you need to get started.

No matter what resource you “think” you need whether it’s money, people, creativity, etc., God is a provider and He will always supply your needs. To me, I’ve had to learn that if I don’t have something yet, then I don’t need it yet. We serve a God who is able to do the impossible. We have to be careful putting Him in a box because we don’t have what we think we “need.” 

5. Increase Your Expectation 

When God calls you to do a thing, He’s not just looking for your surrendered willingness to do what He says, He’s looking for your expectation.  

The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Sometimes you’re not going to see “it” whatever “it” is until an appointed time, but God wants to see your expectation anyway! So start expecting “it” to happen and when you don’t see it, keep looking!

When things don’t seem to be panning out…
When the finances look funny…
When the numbers are low…
When people are supportive but not invested… 


Faith doesn’t give up.
Faith doesn’t quit pre-maturely.
Faith doesn’t start a pity party.
Faith doesn’t get discouraged.
Faith continues to believe and EXPECT no matter the circumstance.  

Today, I declare an increased measure of faith over your life! The thing you are starting WILL come to pass. Praying that God continues to give you revelation of His faithfulness as He directs your steps. He is a good Father and withholds no good thing from those who walk with Him (Psalm 84:11).

Let’s Discuss

Praying this post was helpful for you! I’d love to hear your thoughts. What was your biggest takeaway from today’s post? Tell me in the comments.

Meet Hanha!

Hanha Parham is a Christian author and speaker. Her personal mission is to help woman overcome fear and self-doubt so that they can confidently believe who God has called them to be. She holds a Masters in Divinity with a concentration in pastoral counseling and is currently pursuing her PhD in Christian leadership. Hanha has published two books, Jesus is Bae and The Confessions Project and she is passionate about teaching, equipping, and discipling the body of Christ. When she is not encouraging others or writing her heart out, she loves spending time with loved ones or exploring new coffee shops. 

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  1. Comfort Ojo says:

    This!!!!! Oh how timely this is!!! Thank you Hanha, God bless you!

  2. Jacqueline says:

    Hannah thank you so much for this.
    Needed this word, feel like God sent an email from heaven that you typed.
    Received and strengthened by this writing right here in Jamaica.
    I pray that you will be encouraged at the times when you need it, even as I have been encouraged.

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